Station Awareness Day - Rail Suicide Prevention

Station Awareness Day


On the 6th October members of the Regional Route Crime and Suicide Prevention Team, colleagues from North West Route, Central Route, Regional Performance, Northern Rail, Lingwood Security, Samaritans, and volunteers from the Station Friends of Group joined forces to deliver a Safety Awareness Day at a station in Lancashire (Leyland).

It was great to spend time catching up with both internal and external colleagues and continuing to spread our safety messages with our customers.

The Station Friends of Group do a fantastic job of adding a personal touch to the station with their colourful flower beds and a planter designed as a steam locomotive.

During the event the team chatted with the locals and checked in on passengers who looked like they may benefit from their help and a friendly face to talk to, as well as distributing lots of Safety and Suicide Prevention-themed materials in goody bags.


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