On February 10th Richard Godwin Suicide Prevention Co-ordinator Network Rail NW&C Region and Dave Brown Senior Regional Development Lead Samaritans NW&C Region attended a round table discussion with Shaun Bailey MP for West Bromwich West
Attendees also included West Midlands Police Officers from the local area, a BTP Inspector, Centro CCTV, West Midlands Trains Security and Suicide Prevention, and Life in Community CIC, who provide local support.
The overview and objective of the meeting was to assess risk in the area and what each organisation was doing, and what issues they were seeing. The round the table format enabled each organisation to give an overview of their work. As a rail industry, we were able to demonstrate our knowledge around data and risk in the area, our campaigns, including Small Talk Saves Lives, our wider work around staff training and awareness, and our processes. It showed above all collaboration. Network Rail, West Midlands Trains, and Samaritans, working together, and working with, the Local Authority, with awareness raising in the local area.
Working with the BTP, who backed up our great partnership with embedded Inspectors, and patrol teams. The work that the BTP Harm and Reduction Team do, and their close work with West Midlands Police in the area around vulnerable individuals, and persons in crisis, Section 136 Mental Health Act detentions, care pathways, and linking back in with local services.
Localised challenges were also highlighted during the discussion.